Legal Area

Commercial and Corporate Law

We have a team of professionals, expert in legal advice for companies. We mediate in all possible legal phases and circumstances a company can go through, from constitution to restructuring, liquidation and / or dissolution processes, drafting and modification of statutes, partner agreements, negotiation and drafting of commercial and corporate contracts, etc…

We have extensive experience advising and forming part of the administrative bodies of various companies.

We advise and defend the interests of companies, partners and administrators in both judicial and extrajudicial proceedings related to corporate conflicts.

Bankruptcy, restructuring and insolvency proceedings

Our team has extensive experience in bankruptcy matters and in other complementary areas directly and indirectly linked to it. Having a group of highly qualified professionals in different areas of law allows us to perform the functions entrusted to us with the utmost rigor, either as lawyers of the bankrupt or as attorneys of a creditor.

Civil Law

We have a qualified team and a solid base in procedural and extra procedural civil law. We assume the legal direction of the matters entrusted to us in any of the instances of the process, including appeals before the Supreme Court. Within our areas of expertise, we can highlight those related to civil property law, actions of contractual and extra-contractual liability, real rights and inheritance law.

Labor Law

With extensive experience in advising companies and workers, we intervene in processes of hiring and firing workers, both in common and senior management, drafting of employment contracts, restructuring of templates, employment regulation files, collective bargaining, advice in matters of social security and, of course, all kinds of administrative and judicial procedures.

Criminal Law

We advise and assist individuals and companies in all kinds of criminal proceedings.

We have extensive experience in procedures related to crimes against public health, economic and corporate crimes, property uprising, punishable insolvency, fraud and documentary falsehood, among others.


In the field of regulatory compliance we take care of all the necessary process for the development and implementation of the system of organization and management of crime prevention plans.

  • Development of risk map.
  • Drafting of manuals and prevention policies.
  • Surveillance, control and treatment processes.
  • Establishment of communication and reporting channels.
  • Continuous training and continuous review.
Law Firm in Las Palmas. Legal Area